Thursday, February 28, 2008

New War is Begins.........

The new war will be begins in one to ten days... And this war is related to the human and human.... That is the election will be begins and everybody is fighting for the vote normally BN will be win other parties because they are counted the vote inside the vote house. And this one similar with war that will happen between the human and human and not not politician and politician. Haha....

This war is like that because this is happen from a very simple matter and make it very complicated. After the matter already and almost settle but the the things become hot topic again like example in product life cycle stages which the things already decline but it went up again to introductory then after that growth again. Haha. Its just an example. Hahaha......

Hopefully this war will not become worst an worst....

1 comment:

suharto said...

ahem ahem....

"past is past". anonymous